Thursday, February 26, 2015

Pineapple Onion tacos

So freaking delicious! Vegan Friendly!

You will need:
Coconut oil
1 pineapple
1-2 onions
Corn tortilla shells
My homemade guacamole which is found in another post; see link at bottom.
Extra cilantro
Any other taco fixings you enjoy: refried beans, pico de gallo, etc.

1. Pre-heat broiler on high. Use coconut oil generously on bottom and sides of glass baking dish.

2.Peel and core pineapple. Cut into small chunks. 

3. Peel onion. Slice into narrow strip and cut the bigger ones in half.

4. Put pineapple (and all the juice from cutting) and onion into prepared dish. Stir it up a bit.

5. Broil for about 7-9 minutes, stirring once or twice.  It is done when it starts browning.

6. Put in warmed tortilla shells and enjoy with a fun Mexican drink like the pictured piƱa coloda or my delicious easy margaritas.

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